Peruvian artist Cecilia Paredes uses a mix of make-up, paint and costumes to build herself disappear in her own paintings. Like the real-life invisible man, Liu Bolin, she is a head of blending-in the background.

Paredes explains her method as a way of making herself part of the landscape in a quest of belonging”. “The theme behind all is re-location after displacement and migration and how one has to alter in order to belong. Tough it is, but it has to be done, without forgetting our origin,” the artist explains. With the assist of her assistants, she applies make-up and body paint, and sometimes slips into special suits to make herself a topic of her own artworks. Unlike human chameleons like Liu Bolin, Cecilia Paredes sometimes likes to let her presence get notice by the viewer, by leaving her hair stand out and let them see the whites of her eyes, like in the artwork below.